I just don’t understand the appeal of the Kardashians.
Recommended VideosThat’s not an opinion shared by a majority of the public, it seems, but it remains true for a few remaining outliers. We odd folk who simply find no appeal in the opulent lifestyles of one of reality television’s favorite family tend to fall on the outside, but we do exist. We have nothing against the Kardashians themselves, for the most part, we just don’t understand why so many people obsess over them.
And obsession truly is the correct word. The Kardashians are bafflingly, massively famous, across a huge number of fields, and their influence only seems to grow year-over-year. They just keep getting more prominent, and each member of the family boasts a fame all their own. Sure, Kim is at the forefront of that familial fame, but her sisters, mother, and former stepparent boast plenty of name recognition themselves.
Khloé, like the other members of the Kardashian clan, boasts several side projects on top of the main body of Kardashian shows. She’s starred in several spin-offs, all in collaboration with at least one or two family members, and like her siblings has collaborated with several big-name brands. She’s long past the days of making a few hundred dollars per appearance, and onto payouts in the tens of thousands — sometimes more.
Khloé Kardashian’s net worth
Each of the Kardashians boasts an impressive net worth, but Khloé’s is among the lowest in the family. She’s still worth a fair bit more than her (by comparison) reclusive brother Robert, but Khloé’s bank account is a touch more bare than Kim or Kylie’s.
Still, Khloé’s certainly not hurting for cash. She’s worth a full $60 million all on her own, according to Celebrity Net Worth, making up a small portion of her family’s combined $2.8 billion. She’s tied for the second lowest net worth in the family, ahead of Rob and tied with Kendall. Everyone else pulls in at least a few million more than her, but a bulk of those billions can be credited to the major moneymaker of the family: Kim. She’s worth $1.7 billion all on her own, so it’s clear who’s to thank for the family’s opulent lifestyle.